Monday, October 21, 2013

Why America Is Better Off Without Texas

A closed minded conservative state. Stuck in the 1800's with no intentions waking the eff up. I'm talking of course about the lone star state, Texas. In a recent poll by a popular business magazine, people were asked to name which state was the worst and which one was the best. Participants obviously chose Texas to be kicked out of the union. But we all know you can't just go kicking out a state even how backwards it is. In my opinion we should just give them back to Mexico, making Texas, Mexico's problem. Texas would act as a buffer for the rest of the country against illegal immigration from Mexico. Dramatically affecting the number of illegal immigrants entering the US. Since illegal immigration is such a HUGE problem ( I say this with the most sarcasm possible) for Texas, it would no longer have this problem because they will no longer be illegals, just neighbors. Nonetheless, this isn't a viable option for the US even though I would be more than happy to see Texas sent to the people they hate the most. What they don't seem to understand is that these "illegals" are humans too, people that just want a better life for their families. Texans will never understand this, because they simply refuse to understand it. Their Christian values only stretch so far, you know? So who can blame them? They always threaten the US with secession, my opinion is just to let them go on their own and see if they can survive. I would love to see them be hit with a massive hurricane caused by the extreme storms that global warming produces (which their lawmakers and politicians have openly denied is even real!). How would they survive without the help of government assistance, like FEMA? When they want to import goods from the US, I say we raise taxes on them and let them starve. Oh but this is only fantasy and will never happen. If only there was a way to forcibly take the majority in Texas and kick out the Conservative Republicans. An example of Texan bigotry; recently Texan educational system changed the social studies curriculum. Historians criticized it saying that it is historically inaccurate and that this reflection of their conservative injustice, will contaminate textbooks and classrooms beyond Texas. Remember those nice Republicans that said even "when a woman gets raped they're body has the ability to shutdown the bodies ability to get pregnant." They said this in regards to their new controversial bill that will shut down most abortion clinics in Texas. According to this new law abortions are only legal in surgical centers and bans all abortions after 20 weeks and severely limiting medication-induced abortions. I'm pro-choice. Just because you don't like or want abortions shouldn't mean that nobody else can get one. Just like everything else in this country their are different beliefs and religions that you have to respect even if you don't believe in them and that is just the bottom line people. Watch this posted video from the Daily Show, although funny it is very informative. Put some damn Democrats in there that will clean up the state for America's sake, or just get rid of Texas all together. I mean we could trade it to China for significant debt relief, or maybe just sell it to the highest bidder. Texas is a bastion for the disease that is American Conservatism. If we get rid of Texas we destroy the heart of the beast and we can finally give America it's first dose of liberal/ progressive medicine that it needs. Only logical way to end this post is with a quote from The Daily Show. "Remember the Alamo? Neither do I, F*CK Texas!"

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