Saturday, February 15, 2014

NC Gov. Pat McCrory Subpoenaed By US Attorney

In my great state of North Carolina where I live and breathe, corruption is in the air! Our Governor, Pat McCrory is under investigation by the US Attorney, N.C Department of Environmental and Natural Resources along with Duke Energy has been subpoenaed to testify in front of the Grand Jury. You might be saying something like "But you said something about corruption!". Yes indeed, Gov. McCrory worked for Duke Energy for 27 years and received over a million dollars in campaign contributions from the energy giant. Hold on though, I'm getting ahead of myself! The departments are being subpoenaed because of a huge coal ash spill, the third largest in America. Now both  Duke Energy and the McCrory Administration are under an official criminal investigation of a suspected felony, the investigation is being conducted by an agency of the United States. With McCrory's ties to Duke Energy his name is bound to come up on those subpoena's, speaking to the integrity of our government officials. Duke Energy has dumped over 73 Olympic sized swimming pools of toxic sludge into my North Carolina water ways. My fellow North Carolinian's weren't even told about the spill until a day after the spill occurred. If that's not enough, they failed to accurately depict how severe the toxic spill actually was. So, with all that said, I hope the US Attorney gets all the information they need to bring Duke Energy to justice and to clean up the spill as quickly and efficiently as possible (maybe even set a precedent or two on toxic sludge containment). Also, the feds need to bring to light Gov. Pat McCrory's corruption and publicly shame him so other politicians can take note. To quote South Park "Give a Hoot Don't Pollute!"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Make the US Government Represent Us!

The US government has become corrupted and our politicians no longer represent us, they represent corporations. These corporations have deep pockets and all of our politicians fit inside them. We the citizens of the United States of America are standing up and refuse to watch big corporations take advantage of our democratic system and gamble with our money. Here is the information you need to know about our fight (and yours!) and  how you can let your voice be heard!

The American Anti-Corruption Act Website A run down version on how the radical new bill that will help keep money out of politics and our elections.

The American Anti-Corruption Act FULL PREVISIONS link: Complete American Anti-corruption Act the website were you can sign the petition, watch videos on the fight, and tools you can use if you want to be an activist. 

Tools For Activist where you can find templates so you can go out and get signatures yourself! Letters you can send your representatives, and speeches already made if you want to become an all out volunteer! Handbooks, flyers, tool-kits, brochures, and much much more you can use in your fight to let your voice be heard! 

A Video on why this fight is important! 


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Psychedelics Are More Than Just A Drug.

When Westerners hear the word psychedelics, they immediately think "DRUG" and want nothing to do with it or the person talking about them. I'm writing this post so I can give psychedelics some well needed good publicity. I want to change peoples minds about them, so please read and don't dismiss them as just another drug. Psychedelics are so much more than a drug, they're a spiritual experience that enlightens the "host" (you), and puts you in touch with the Earth and the rest of the universe. If everyone on this planet was given a huge psychedelic experience then the world would be such a better place. Please let me explain.

Ayahuasca has been used by indigenous amazonian tribes for hundreds of years. They use it for many purposes including rites of passage ceremonies, healing purposes, communicating with the dead, and to seek advice from a higher power. This amazing brew commonly made by mixing a plant with high levels of DMT (the psychedelic chemical) and other herbs, that contain MAOI's that activate the DMT and make the experience last longer. How the indigenous people came about this discovery is all still a mystery, but they claim that the plant and spirit of the plants gave them direct the instructions. Almost everything alive on this planet has contains DMT, including plants. I'm not to sure about animals, but in humans we produce DMT in the Pineal Gland located right under the brain in between our eyes (commonly called "the third eye").
Something To Think About: The Pineal Gland produces DMT in huge amounts (more than what can be smoked or drank) when we go into REM sleep, when we die, and near death experiences. Testimonials of people who have consumed DMT say that its a life changing experience and that they gained a lot from it. People claim to have met god and have been one with the universe a true spiritual experience where faith is not needed. Now that's my kind of religion! where I don;t have to take someones word for it, I can see it all for myself!

Ibogaine is a hallucinogenic root that is found naturally in Africa. It has been used by the indigenous people for hundreds if not thousands of years. Recently it has gained recognition for the true cure-all for drug addiction. Because it is still in its in experimental stages there is no clear number on what its success rate is, but many people say that when opiate addicts are concerned it has a 80% success rate. "Why isn't this being funded!?" You might ask that question, but it is because it is illegal in many countries. Plus if it were made legal and funded and then used here in America, drug companies would lose millions. In a country controlled by lobbyist for corporations that will never happen. Legalize Ibogaine and companies will lose all their drug addicts that rely on their drugs to ween off the drug they want to stop using. Substitute one drug for another that makes complete sense. Aside for drug addiction, many people find that this psychedelic helps them find answers to problems in their life. They claim to have flashes from their life and sometimes control their experience. Some people say they visit their childhood homes and are able find answers that have troubled them their entire lives!

These are more than just drugs people. Little is known about the psychedelic realm, and it is too commonly dismissed as just another drug side effect. If people would be more in touch with nature the world would be a better place and there would be a lot less hate in this world. Psychedelics are a tool for people to use in order for them to get touch with their spiritual side. I'm not telling anybody to go out and do something illegal, but if you decide to do hallucinogens, be careful and take care!