Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Four Easy Steps To Take When Dealing With A Panic Attacks After Smoking Marijuana

Smoking weed for some people is sometimes frightening. A lot of people experience sever anxiety resulting in panic attacks. These are the worst panic attacks because when your high the attacks seems 100x worse. Social anxiety is a common side affect of this "illicit drug", which is why I no longer smoke marijuana.The social anxiety made it so I couldn't go out and public or even talk to the people I live with. This post is not about social anxiety so let me go back to my topic of panic attacks. Prevalent attacks have caused many people to kick the marijuana to the curb. Well that's where I come in to try to help with these nasty panic attacks when they decide to hit. The feeling comes so spontaneously that you try to deny it. At least I do. I always try to say "No I'm fine, I'm fine, this isn't happening." After maybe a thirty seconds or so (seems like thirty minutes!) I start to get tunnel vision. My first few panic attacks I just passed out at the point of tunnel vision. Yep, straight to the ground! One time this happened while my girl friends mother was in the room, she only made me freak out worse! So to keep this a little short, here are four easy steps to take when dealing with a panic attack after smoking weed.

First Step - Don't deny it! This always worsens the attack because one waits to long and when you stop denying it, it's just to late to help it.
Second Step - Lay down or sit down. This helps with the tunnel vision and helps keep you calm.
Third Step - Take deep breathes threw your nose and out your mouth. Breathing threw your nose helps bring in a controlled breathe. Exhaling out of your mouth expels a large amount of carbon dioxide. At this point focus on your breathing.
Fourth Step - Use an inhaler. If you don't have one, get one. I don't know about most states, but here in North Carolina you can buy them over the counter. They help open up the air passageways so you can absorb more oxygen.

Doing all of these easy steps at the onset of a panic attack will bring joy back to your smoking experience.
Be safe when consuming drugs, always know your limits and be smart! Feel free to comment on the box below with questions or comments. Enjoy!


  1. this is very informative, i mean for a blog it seemed so real actually. we had this class in college, it was like introduction to psychiatric cases and yes, sometimes marijuana calms these people down as for the panic attacks, your 4 steps it really works! panic attacks are not going to cause you death nor it comes from chronic and lethal diseases, you just have to let it be. just sayin'

  2. "Be safe when consuming drugs, always know your limits and be smart!"

    - an all too overlooked mindset of moderation.

    While there are many drugs, and many reasons people do them,
    they aren't going away. Marijuana is a useful tool for many adults,
    but, like all tools, it needs to be respected, and handled properly.
    Other drugs, which can be anything from a risk, but one that can be handled maturely and wisely, to the far end of mind-blowing negativities that don't reveal themselves as such at first glance.

    We have been lied to. Cannabis is something which needs to be used only moderately, (I would argue 'less than half the time'), and only by adults, as it does some wear and tear upon developmental information components (ie. chromosonal damage) which don't affect adults (generally speaking), but can have significant impacts to adolescent bodies, which are still being built and grown, versus maintained (and expanding, heh), as adults bodies are.

    MDMA, Molly, is a terrible drug. Many celebrities report that it is safe- this is only partly accurate. Understand this though: The way many of these super-mega-ultra-feelgood drugs work is by OVERLOADING YOUR PLEASURE CENTERS. And, while this seem great for a few hours, the problem (beyond potentially questionable purity), is that our pleasure centers toughen-up to the overloaded signals, so it takes a larger dose of the pleasure trigger compounds for the same effect. WHICH MEANS IT NOT ONLY TAKES MORE OF THE DRUG TO MAKE YOU FEEL THE SAME - (which is built in addiction), BUT WORSE - IT LESSENS THE PLEASURE THAT ALL OTHER ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING SEX BRING TO THE USER. There have been studies done, and I have known people personally, that support this concept: people that habitually use said chemicals, and do for extended periods with increasing amounts, damage their psyche and pleasure centers. They can be healed and it takes about as much time as was spent doing the drug lifestyle. Estimates I have seen from respected medical writeups listed it as taking approximately 3 years for the pleasure centers to return to normal pleasure sensitivities. So, this would be the better part of 3 years of having quit, and not really having fun doing anything - for 3 fucking years. The whole point of this Molly is fun, and yet it, and others like it, tear fun from the clutches of the users... not to mention, ruin lives - I expect poor Miley Cyrus to fall off her standing- not that she is right in the head, but that she will lose her control of the drug, and move beyond it and either OD or end up on something even worse, but fail to maintain her career in any case. And she will, therefore, fail to be a star, and will be another 'Faces of Meth' celebrity...

    Do your research, on cannabis, on the drugs your friends do, and how their lives really are affected. Remember that there is more than just the fun of an evening or weekend, and there will be a tomorrow, and it will eventually be different. Do not lose hope. Do not stay hanging with people that are bad for your heart and mind. Do not fall into the pits you see your friends falling into. Be honorable, and live like you mean it. We were created, and we are accountable. This world is fallen, but Jesus Christ will be back, and all will be set right. Its just a painful fallen mess at the present.

    With love, Your Brother, Ben
