A Young Liberals Thoughts On A Broken Society
This Blog is my way to express my thoughts on whats happening in the world, problems I've had to face and overcome along with my commentary on it.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
NC Gov. Pat McCrory Subpoenaed By US Attorney
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Make the US Government Represent Us!
The US government has become corrupted and our politicians no longer represent us, they represent corporations. These corporations have deep pockets and all of our politicians fit inside them. We the citizens of the United States of America are standing up and refuse to watch big corporations take advantage of our democratic system and gamble with our money. Here is the information you need to know about our fight (and yours!) and how you can let your voice be heard!
The American Anti-Corruption Act Website A run down version on how the radical new bill that will help keep money out of politics and our elections.
The American Anti-Corruption Act Website A run down version on how the radical new bill that will help keep money out of politics and our elections.
The American Anti-Corruption Act FULL PREVISIONS link: Complete American Anti-corruption Act
Represent.us the website were you can sign the petition, watch videos on the fight, and tools you can use if you want to be an activist.
Tools For Activist where you can find templates so you can go out and get signatures yourself! Letters you can send your representatives, and speeches already made if you want to become an all out volunteer! Handbooks, flyers, tool-kits, brochures, and much much more you can use in your fight to let your voice be heard!
Represent.us the website were you can sign the petition, watch videos on the fight, and tools you can use if you want to be an activist.
Tools For Activist where you can find templates so you can go out and get signatures yourself! Letters you can send your representatives, and speeches already made if you want to become an all out volunteer! Handbooks, flyers, tool-kits, brochures, and much much more you can use in your fight to let your voice be heard!
A Video on why this fight is important!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Psychedelics Are More Than Just A Drug.
When Westerners hear the word psychedelics, they immediately think "DRUG" and want nothing to do with it or the person talking about them. I'm writing this post so I can give psychedelics some well needed good publicity. I want to change peoples minds about them, so please read and don't dismiss them as just another drug. Psychedelics are so much more than a drug, they're a spiritual experience that enlightens the "host" (you), and puts you in touch with the Earth and the rest of the universe. If everyone on this planet was given a huge psychedelic experience then the world would be such a better place. Please let me explain.
Ayahuasca has been used by indigenous amazonian tribes for hundreds of years. They use it for many purposes including rites of passage ceremonies, healing purposes, communicating with the dead, and to seek advice from a higher power. This amazing brew commonly made by mixing a plant with high levels of DMT (the psychedelic chemical) and other herbs, that contain MAOI's that activate the DMT and make the experience last longer. How the indigenous people came about this discovery is all still a mystery, but they claim that the plant and spirit of the plants gave them direct the instructions. Almost everything alive on this planet has contains DMT, including plants. I'm not to sure about animals, but in humans we produce DMT in the Pineal Gland located right under the brain in between our eyes (commonly called "the third eye").
Something To Think About: The Pineal Gland produces DMT in huge amounts (more than what can be smoked or drank) when we go into REM sleep, when we die, and near death experiences. Testimonials of people who have consumed DMT say that its a life changing experience and that they gained a lot from it. People claim to have met god and have been one with the universe a true spiritual experience where faith is not needed. Now that's my kind of religion! where I don;t have to take someones word for it, I can see it all for myself!
Ibogaine is a hallucinogenic root that is found naturally in Africa. It has been used by the indigenous people for hundreds if not thousands of years. Recently it has gained recognition for the true cure-all for drug addiction. Because it is still in its in experimental stages there is no clear number on what its success rate is, but many people say that when opiate addicts are concerned it has a 80% success rate. "Why isn't this being funded!?" You might ask that question, but it is because it is illegal in many countries. Plus if it were made legal and funded and then used here in America, drug companies would lose millions. In a country controlled by lobbyist for corporations that will never happen. Legalize Ibogaine and companies will lose all their drug addicts that rely on their drugs to ween off the drug they want to stop using. Substitute one drug for another that makes complete sense. Aside for drug addiction, many people find that this psychedelic helps them find answers to problems in their life. They claim to have flashes from their life and sometimes control their experience. Some people say they visit their childhood homes and are able find answers that have troubled them their entire lives!
These are more than just drugs people. Little is known about the psychedelic realm, and it is too commonly dismissed as just another drug side effect. If people would be more in touch with nature the world would be a better place and there would be a lot less hate in this world. Psychedelics are a tool for people to use in order for them to get touch with their spiritual side. I'm not telling anybody to go out and do something illegal, but if you decide to do hallucinogens, be careful and take care!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuals
The LGBT community is all the rage nowadays. Conservatives hate them and liberals embrace them. The conservative hatred stems from the bible condemning them to the fiery pits of hell, when the holy scriptures only references homosexuality six or seven times. They were written over two thousand plus years ago, so their meaning is open to debate. With numerous scriptures talking about acceptance, forgiveness, and having love for your fellow man outweighing references to homosexuality. You would think that the scriptures of love eclipsing those of hate, people would be accepting and not use the bible as a weapon against the LGBT community. Sadly, that's not the case, but times are changing and with more states in the US recognizing gay marriage; the debate heats up.
Sins of Sodom
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in genesis was a city where the men wanted to rape the angels that retrieved Lot. They also wanted to rape the guests of the city similar to the story in the book of Judges. Now the bible goes on to condemn these violent atrocities, not homosexuality specifically. Jude 1:7 "giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh,"- referring to the citizens of Sodom. Saying that the sins of Sodom were of men lusting after angels. Later Jews interpreted this as homosexuality being the sins of Sodom. In retrospect this would be like modern day rape in our prisons. The prisoners aren't necessarily homosexuals, but rather their lust for sex and forcible rape is what is so despised.
The Holy Code
Leviticus is full of "guidelines" commonly referred o as the Holy Code. It contains two passages that are the most famous and used by most Christians to justify their hatred for homosexuals. Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination". And Leviticus "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is uponth them". Now this seems pretty clear cut and not up for debate, but think again! First you have to understand about who this scripture was written for. They were intended for the Israelites so they can be distinguished from the Egyptians (who they just fled from) and the Canaanites (who they were living amongst). A couple issues here. Egyptians and Canaanites were lustful rapist, going back to the story of Sodom these actions were condemned because of the horrible nature of rape. So the Israelites had to differentiate themselves from the rapist. Another issue is, were these holy codes speaking of consensual homosexual sex between two loving individuals? Was this even a comprehend-able option for the ancient world? The last issue I have with this so called Holy Code is that the Israelites were nomadic people and depended on procreation for survival. Could this scripture just be a way for the author of Leviticus to make sure future generations of Israelites?Christians have to ask themselves, is pushing there personal beliefs on other people is really "loving thy neighbor"? With the all the passages about love and acceptance why hate on homosexuals? Why push your religion into politics and stop two loving individuals from the fruits of marriage? Jesus always preached that his followers should stay out of politics anyways! Modern Christians pick and choose what part of the bible they wish to follow. Jews don't eat pork and you don't see them picketing the White House to stop the slaughter of pigs. Stop the hate and LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!
The Bible
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Texas GOP Raping Women With New Law

I've written about backwards run Texas before, but this really takes the cake. The GOP run state recently approved a new voter law that drastically restricts women's right to vote. Voters in Texas now have to show a PHOTO-ID with an up to date legal name. According to Occupy Democrats, this effects ONE THIRD of the women in Texas. To put that into perspective, Texas has 254 counties and only 81 DMVs. Men aren't effected by this because they keep their legal name after wedlock, but sometimes women don't get new ID's, or if they needed one they could just use a birth certificate in order to vote. This is no longer the case. The Republican run state knows that this law leaves a third of their women lost and confused. Women have the power to turn Texas blue for the first time in 20 years, because of senator Wendy Davis. She is a strong advocate for women's rights and against government regulating women's bodies. She is running for Texas governor and she has the women of the state backing her. The GOP are threatened by Davis and instead of battling on the issues, they change the rules. Read all about it and sign a petition here at http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/3959.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Raise The Wage Minimum Wage, For America
You know, the cell phone companies really understand the power that consumers have. They made smartphones reasonably priced so everyone can have one. Now everybody has one and their paying for data, and apps with companies advertising in these apps. They've opened up a whole new marketplace never before used. Now couldn't this same rule apply to the whole minimum wage debacle? Think about it. Disregard your views on the situation and think about what I'm saying. Raise the minimum wage so more people have more money to spend. In a world ruled by capitalism, you would think companies would be jumping at the chance to pay their employees more to, keep the flow of money going back up to the employers. Without the consumer (the underpaid employees) capitalism is nothing. Capitalism ultimately works like a powerful Red Wood with the CEOs at the top and the consumers (i.e employees) at the bottom. A strong consumer will in turn give way for a stronger CEO. Republicans love to throw the "trickle down" argument around (that the wealth of the CEO will trickle down to everybody), let's throw the "trickle up" argument right back at them. It's time America. Raise the minimum wage.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
A Bold New Law To End Corruption
1. Stop Politicians From Taking Bribes- "Prohibit members of Congress from soliciting and receiving contributions from industry or entity they regulate, including those industries' lobbyist. Prohibit all fundraising during Congressional working hours."
3. Prevent Job Offers As Bribes- "Close the "revolving door" where elected representatives and senior staff sell off their legislative power for high-paying jobs. Stop them from negotiating jobs while in office and, once they leave, bar them from all lobbying activity for five years."
4. Call All People Who Lobby, Lobbyist- "Significantly expand the definition of and register all lobbyist to prevent influencers from skirting the rules." (In my opinion we should have a national database of lobbyist and they should register as a Lobbyist, just like sex offenders so we know who is a lobbyist and monitor how much our politicians associate with them. The database is just my opinion though not part of the AACA.)
5. Limit Lobbyist Donations- "Limit the amount that lobbyists and their clients can contribute to federal candidates, political parties, and political committees to $500 per year and limit lobbyist fundraising for political campaigns. Federal contractors are already banned from contributing to campaigns: extend the ban to lobbyist, high-level executives, government relations employees, and PACs of federal government contractors."
6. End Secret Money- "Mandate full transparency of all political money. Require any organization that spends $10,000 or more on advertisements to elect or defeat federal candidates to file a disclosure report online with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours. List each of the donors who give $10,000 or more to the organization to run such ads. This includes all PACs, 501c non profits, or other groups that engage in electioneering."
7. Empower All Voters With A Tax Rebate- "Build up on the influence of voters by creating a biennial $100 Tax Rebate that they can use to make qualified contributions to federal candidates, political parties, and political committees. Flood elections with small-donor contributions that will offset the huge spenders. Candidates and political groups will only be eligible for these funds if they agree to a set of contribution limits: they will only accept money from small donors (giving $500 or less a year), other groups abiding by the limits, and the Tax Rebates themselves."
8. Disclose "Bundling"- "Require federal candidates to disclose the names of individuals who "bundle"contributions for the member of Congress or candidate, regardless of whether such individuals are registered lobbyists."
9. Enforce The Rules- "Strengthen the Federal Election Commission's independence and strengthen the House and Senate ethics enforcement processes. Provide federal prosecutors the additional tools necessary to combat corruption, and prohibit lobbyists who fail to properly register and disclose their activities from engaging in federal lobbying activities for a period of two years."
If you are intrigued by the new law there is a lot more you can find out about it on the Represent.Us website. Please take into account this whole project is in its infancy and as of December 7th 2013 there are only 20 districts across the country with an established team of activists fighting the fight. They need all the help they can get and if you are interested in doing what you can PLEASE visit the website and do what you can! Below I will post links where you can find the tools you need to combat corruption in your area. Please check out the website and sign your name to co-sponsor the act! America needs your help and frankly, we've all had enough, from liberals to conservatives and everyone in between.With our elected officials in the pockets of lobbyist they are turning America into a Corporate Dictatorship, but TOGETHER WE CAN PREVAIL!
Represent.Us Website - Represent.us
Activist Materials & Tools- https://represent.us/tools/
AACA Entire Overview- http://anticorruptionact.org/
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