Sunday, January 19, 2014

Make the US Government Represent Us!

The US government has become corrupted and our politicians no longer represent us, they represent corporations. These corporations have deep pockets and all of our politicians fit inside them. We the citizens of the United States of America are standing up and refuse to watch big corporations take advantage of our democratic system and gamble with our money. Here is the information you need to know about our fight (and yours!) and  how you can let your voice be heard!

The American Anti-Corruption Act Website A run down version on how the radical new bill that will help keep money out of politics and our elections.

The American Anti-Corruption Act FULL PREVISIONS link: Complete American Anti-corruption Act the website were you can sign the petition, watch videos on the fight, and tools you can use if you want to be an activist. 

Tools For Activist where you can find templates so you can go out and get signatures yourself! Letters you can send your representatives, and speeches already made if you want to become an all out volunteer! Handbooks, flyers, tool-kits, brochures, and much much more you can use in your fight to let your voice be heard! 

A Video on why this fight is important! 


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