Sunday, December 22, 2013

What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuals

The LGBT community is all the rage nowadays. Conservatives hate them and liberals embrace them. The conservative hatred stems from the bible condemning them to the fiery pits of hell, when the holy scriptures only references homosexuality six or seven times. They were written over two thousand plus years ago, so their meaning is open to debate. With numerous scriptures talking about acceptance, forgiveness, and having love for your fellow man outweighing references to homosexuality. You would think that the scriptures of love eclipsing those of hate, people would be accepting and not use the bible as a weapon against the LGBT community. Sadly, that's not the case, but times are changing and with more states in the US recognizing gay marriage; the debate heats up.

Sins of Sodom
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in genesis was a city where the men wanted to rape the angels that retrieved Lot. They also wanted to rape the guests of the city similar to the story in the book of Judges. Now the bible goes on to condemn these violent atrocities, not homosexuality specifically. Jude 1:7 "giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh,"- referring to the citizens of Sodom. Saying that the sins of Sodom were of men lusting after angels. Later Jews interpreted this as homosexuality being the sins of Sodom. In retrospect this would be like modern day rape in our prisons. The prisoners aren't necessarily homosexuals, but rather their lust for sex and forcible rape is what is so despised.

The Holy Code
Leviticus is full of "guidelines" commonly referred o as the Holy Code. It contains two passages that are the most famous and used by most Christians to justify their hatred for homosexuals. Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination". And Leviticus "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is uponth them". Now this seems pretty clear cut and not up for debate, but think again! First you have to understand about who this scripture was written for. They were intended for the Israelites so they can be distinguished from the Egyptians (who they just fled from) and the Canaanites (who they were living amongst). A couple issues here. Egyptians and Canaanites were lustful rapist, going back to the story of Sodom these actions were condemned because of the horrible nature of rape. So the Israelites had to differentiate themselves from the rapist. Another issue is, were these holy codes speaking of consensual homosexual sex between two loving individuals? Was this even a comprehend-able option for the ancient world? The last issue I have with this so called Holy Code is that the Israelites were nomadic people and depended on procreation for survival. Could this scripture just be a way for the author of Leviticus to make sure future generations of  Israelites?

Christians have to ask themselves, is pushing there personal beliefs on other people is really "loving thy neighbor"? With the all the passages about love and acceptance why hate on homosexuals? Why push your religion into politics and stop two loving individuals from the fruits of marriage? Jesus always preached that his followers should stay out of politics anyways! Modern Christians pick and choose what part of the bible they wish to follow. Jews don't eat pork and you don't see them picketing the White House to stop the slaughter of pigs. Stop the hate and LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!

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