Sunday, December 22, 2013

What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuals

The LGBT community is all the rage nowadays. Conservatives hate them and liberals embrace them. The conservative hatred stems from the bible condemning them to the fiery pits of hell, when the holy scriptures only references homosexuality six or seven times. They were written over two thousand plus years ago, so their meaning is open to debate. With numerous scriptures talking about acceptance, forgiveness, and having love for your fellow man outweighing references to homosexuality. You would think that the scriptures of love eclipsing those of hate, people would be accepting and not use the bible as a weapon against the LGBT community. Sadly, that's not the case, but times are changing and with more states in the US recognizing gay marriage; the debate heats up.

Sins of Sodom
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in genesis was a city where the men wanted to rape the angels that retrieved Lot. They also wanted to rape the guests of the city similar to the story in the book of Judges. Now the bible goes on to condemn these violent atrocities, not homosexuality specifically. Jude 1:7 "giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh,"- referring to the citizens of Sodom. Saying that the sins of Sodom were of men lusting after angels. Later Jews interpreted this as homosexuality being the sins of Sodom. In retrospect this would be like modern day rape in our prisons. The prisoners aren't necessarily homosexuals, but rather their lust for sex and forcible rape is what is so despised.

The Holy Code
Leviticus is full of "guidelines" commonly referred o as the Holy Code. It contains two passages that are the most famous and used by most Christians to justify their hatred for homosexuals. Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination". And Leviticus "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is uponth them". Now this seems pretty clear cut and not up for debate, but think again! First you have to understand about who this scripture was written for. They were intended for the Israelites so they can be distinguished from the Egyptians (who they just fled from) and the Canaanites (who they were living amongst). A couple issues here. Egyptians and Canaanites were lustful rapist, going back to the story of Sodom these actions were condemned because of the horrible nature of rape. So the Israelites had to differentiate themselves from the rapist. Another issue is, were these holy codes speaking of consensual homosexual sex between two loving individuals? Was this even a comprehend-able option for the ancient world? The last issue I have with this so called Holy Code is that the Israelites were nomadic people and depended on procreation for survival. Could this scripture just be a way for the author of Leviticus to make sure future generations of  Israelites?

Christians have to ask themselves, is pushing there personal beliefs on other people is really "loving thy neighbor"? With the all the passages about love and acceptance why hate on homosexuals? Why push your religion into politics and stop two loving individuals from the fruits of marriage? Jesus always preached that his followers should stay out of politics anyways! Modern Christians pick and choose what part of the bible they wish to follow. Jews don't eat pork and you don't see them picketing the White House to stop the slaughter of pigs. Stop the hate and LOVE THY NEIGHBOR!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Texas GOP Raping Women With New Law

I've written about backwards run Texas before, but this really takes the cake. The GOP run state recently approved a new voter law that drastically restricts women's right to vote. Voters in Texas now have to show a PHOTO-ID with an up to date legal name. According to Occupy Democrats, this effects ONE THIRD of the women in Texas. To put that into perspective, Texas has 254 counties and only 81 DMVs. Men aren't effected by this because they keep their legal name after wedlock, but sometimes women don't get new ID's, or if they needed one they could just use a birth certificate in order to vote. This is no longer the case. The Republican run state knows that this law leaves a third of their women lost and confused. Women have the power to turn Texas blue for the first time in 20 years, because of senator Wendy Davis. She is a strong advocate for women's rights and against government regulating women's bodies. She is running for Texas governor and she has the women of the state backing her. The GOP are threatened by Davis and instead of battling on the issues, they change the rules. Read all about it and sign a petition here at

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Raise The Wage Minimum Wage, For America

You know, the cell phone companies really understand the power that consumers have. They made smartphones reasonably priced so everyone can have one. Now everybody has one and their paying for data, and apps with companies advertising in these apps. They've opened up a whole new marketplace never before used. Now couldn't this same rule apply to the whole minimum wage debacle? Think about it. Disregard your views on the situation and think about what I'm saying. Raise the minimum wage so more people have more money to spend. In a world ruled by capitalism, you would think companies would be jumping at the chance to pay their employees more to, keep the flow of money going back up to the employers. Without the consumer (the underpaid employees) capitalism is nothing. Capitalism ultimately works like a powerful Red Wood with the CEOs at the top and the consumers (i.e employees) at the bottom. A strong consumer will in turn give way for a stronger CEO. Republicans love to throw the "trickle down" argument around (that the wealth of the CEO will trickle down to everybody), let's throw the "trickle up" argument right back at them. It's time America. Raise the minimum wage. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Bold New Law To End Corruption

My last post was about some real grimy stuff going on in Washington. Luckily there is a group of activist that have had enough of the corruption and bribery. They came up with an ingenious new law that will greatly impact how American elections are campaigned. The group is Represent.Us and they are actively fighting to end corruption. They wrote the American Anti-Corruption Act (AACA). In short, the law greatly impacts how much can be donated to a campaign and is 100% constitutional. Written by some of the top constitutional lawyers in America. Here is a rough outline of the law taken from Represent.Us


1. Stop Politicians From Taking Bribes- "Prohibit members of Congress from soliciting and receiving contributions from industry or entity they regulate, including those industries' lobbyist. Prohibit all fundraising during Congressional working hours."

2. Limit SuperPAC Contributions and "Coordination"- "Require SuperPACS to abide by the same contribution limits as other political committees. Toughen rules regarding SuperPACs' and other groups' coordination with political campaigns and political parties."

3. Prevent Job Offers As Bribes- "Close the "revolving door" where elected representatives and senior staff sell off their legislative power for high-paying jobs. Stop them from negotiating jobs while in office and, once they leave, bar them from all lobbying activity for five years."

4. Call All People Who Lobby, Lobbyist- "Significantly expand the definition of and register all lobbyist to prevent influencers from skirting the rules." (In my opinion we should have a national database of lobbyist and they should register as a Lobbyist, just like sex offenders so we know who is a lobbyist and monitor how much our politicians associate with them. The database is just my opinion though not part of the AACA.)

5. Limit Lobbyist Donations- "Limit the amount that lobbyists and their clients can contribute to federal candidates, political parties, and political committees to $500 per year and limit lobbyist fundraising for political campaigns. Federal contractors are already banned from contributing to campaigns: extend the ban to lobbyist, high-level executives, government relations employees, and PACs of federal government contractors."

6. End Secret Money- "Mandate full transparency of all political money. Require any organization that spends $10,000 or more on advertisements to elect or defeat federal candidates to file a disclosure report online with the Federal Election Commission within 24 hours. List each of the donors who give $10,000 or more to the organization to run such ads. This includes all PACs, 501c non profits, or other groups that engage in electioneering."

7. Empower All Voters With A Tax Rebate- "Build up on the influence of voters by creating a biennial $100 Tax Rebate that they can use to make qualified contributions to federal candidates, political parties, and political committees. Flood elections with small-donor contributions that will offset the huge spenders. Candidates and political groups will only be eligible for these funds if they agree to a set of contribution limits: they will only accept money from small donors (giving $500 or less a year), other groups abiding by the limits, and the Tax Rebates themselves."

8. Disclose "Bundling"- "Require federal candidates to disclose the names of individuals who "bundle"contributions for the member of Congress or candidate, regardless of whether such individuals are registered lobbyists."

9. Enforce The Rules- "Strengthen the Federal Election Commission's independence and strengthen the House and Senate ethics enforcement processes. Provide federal prosecutors the additional tools necessary to combat corruption, and prohibit lobbyists who fail to properly register and disclose their activities from engaging in federal lobbying activities for a period of two years."
If you are intrigued by the new law there is a lot more you can find out about it on the Represent.Us website. Please take into account this whole project is in its infancy and as of December 7th 2013 there are only 20 districts across the country with an established team of activists fighting the fight. They need all the help they can get and if you are interested in doing what you can PLEASE visit the website and do what you can! Below I will post links where you can find the tools you need to combat corruption in your area. Please check out the website and sign your name to co-sponsor the act! America needs your help and frankly, we've all had enough, from liberals to conservatives and everyone in between.With our elected officials in the pockets of lobbyist they are turning America into a Corporate Dictatorship, but TOGETHER WE CAN PREVAIL!

Represent.Us Website -
Activist Materials & Tools-
AACA Entire Overview- 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wall Street Lobbyist Corrupting Our Government

I found something rather disturbing today on Facebook. I ran across this video of a independent group of youngsters that stand up against political corruption. From over inflated super packs to lobbyist donating ridiculous amounts of money to politicians. The video, which I have pasted below, explains a very surprising bill that was passed in congress today. The Bill is called H.R. 922 - the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act. At the dawn of the 2008 financial crisis insurance company AIG was on the verge of bankruptcy when the wonderful federal government stepped in and saved their asses with a $85 billion bailout. The "risky business" (no pun intended) that drove AIG to the brink of extinction is known as derivatives trading. After the bailout the government did the most logical thing and made some laws and provisions so this type of thing wouldn't happen again. So the truly disgusting part of all of this is that today congress passed a bipartisan law that would let big companies, i.e AIG, to go back to their risky business. Who do you think contributed the most to the campaigns of the politicians that were in support of the bill? You guessed it Wall Street Lobbyist. Lobbyist that work for insurance groups like Citigroup and AIG practically wrote that bill. Our government is basically run by special interest and this is what this group is fighting end. Visit to show your support against political corruption.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

End The War On Drugs And Legalize All Drugs

Now I don't advise anyone to go out and do illegal drugs because this is would be ILLEGAL. I also don't do illegal drugs so with that said lets move on. This is a touchy subject and people don't like talking about it. Well this is the purpose of my blog, to talk about the things people don't want to talk about. The primary way organized crime syndicates make money is through the sell of drugs. Now the logical thing to do would be to prohibit them in a country so the citizens can't buy them. But sometimes the most logical (or easiest) answers are the best ones. By making them illegal you now gave the entire market to the cartels, gangs, terrorists, etc. Now they can make ALL the money to supply their groups to do other horrible things. Think about it, if you legalize it you give the market to the legal owners who don't do horrible crimes like murder. People will pay taxes on them bringing more money to the states and federal government. You can argue that this will cause children to become drug addicts at a much higher rate. I don't think this would be true at all because by the time I was 11 I knew what every drug was called due to schools giving drug awareness classes. Just because something is legal doesn't make it easier for children to get their hands on. It was really hard trying to get LEGAL alcohol when I was a teenager, almost impossible, that's why I then turned to marijuana, an ILLEGAL DRUG. Illegal drugs are easier for children to get a hold of because they are on the street and trust me dealers don't check I.D. The "drug war" cost the U.S billions upon billions of dollars each year. You can check the drug war clock in real time at Why would you spend all the money each year on a war that's been going on for decades when the majority of the population believe will never be won. All that money could go to better use like giving addicts free rehabilitation.
 Looking back to the time of prohibition when alcohol was illegal, people then claimed to stop drinking because the without the sin of illegality it just wasn't "fun" anymore. Practically overnight mass shooting and crime related to underground liquor disappeared. Without the profit from alcohol people like Al Capone faded into history as a mere memory of America. By legalizing all drugs you open up a whole new category of workers and business man all paying taxes and being paid legal money in turn spending that money into our economy. Think about all the people that go into the distribution of alcohol, bartenders, waitresses, bar owners, executive distillers, etc. Drugs are the only reason traffickers are in business. Society needs to open up their eyes and see that the drug war is not working and hasn't worked for decades. There are millions of non-violent offenders still in our prisons being kept in bars like an animal because of possession charges. They are addicts and need society's help to get clean. If legalized AND decriminalized we can then focus on helping addicts overcome their addiction and change their lives. Prison won't help them, and even if they overcome their addiction they wont be able to get a good job and start a good career. A potential employer will do a basic background check and see that they have a drug charge and wont even give them a chance. If you would like to sign a petition to legalize drugs click here. The war on drugs should end and their should be a new war declared. The war on addiction. The first step in battling this foe should be to legalize and decriminalize all drugs to take out a major source of income for traffickers. With drug related crime and trafficking under control we can focus our attention on rehabilitating addicts. Its time America!
Drug Legalization = Drug Liberation!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Synthetic Drugs, An Experience

Once I traveled far beyond this realm of reality. A place I never want to travel back to, objects of multiple dimensions trying to explain the reason we exist, followed by a see of nothingness.This all started when I was very young and yes you maybe judgmental I wouldn't blame you. I was 17 a day before I was supposed to walk with my graduating class. I received something in the mail. I don't usually get mail, so I knew exactly what it was. About a month before that day, I had ordered half a gram of a new drug called 2CE (Mind you I was young, curious, and quite frankly stupid). This was a synthetic hallucinogenic powder. Extremely potent too. Excited to start "tripping" I had no idea what I was in store for. I made myself a big line rolled up a dollar bill and up the nostril it went. Instantly it burned like fire ants were feasting on my sinuses. I grabbed the closest tissue and tried to blow out the powder from my nose. Too late. The drug had already taken affect. I looked at the tissue that was holding my mucus and saw it was shifting sizes and colors. I threw it on the ground and instantly needed the company of a sober person. My girlfriend was also in the same boat I was in and was calling every friend we had at the moment to come over and keep us company. Slowly we lost touch with reality, the last thing I recall is telling my girlfriend I have no idea where we are (friends on the phone were asking where we were and what we had taken). I fell down into the rabbit hole meeting entities that for some reason seamed familiar. I remember orbiting a mass of misshapen balls bunch together of different colors. I was receiving messages from them. It felt like everything that ever existed was mashed into one object including all knowledge of everything blasting me with too many messages to comprehend. Next, an image of a animated cowboy appeared and seemed to hold the knowledge of time and infinity. He tipped his hat low and swung his arm back and proceeded to snap his finger. The snap of the finger didn't complete until his hand was right in front of me. When the snap completed it literally felt infinite like all of time was held in the exact moment he completed the snap of his finger. Boom! Just like that I was thrown into a sea of a black nothingness. Nothing existed. I didn't exist. But I was there, in a empty space of absolutely nothing. I could feel the emptiness and this was the scariest feeling I have ever felt in my life.

When I came to, I awoke in a hospital bed surrounded by nurses and doctors. They said I fought the police and paramedics that came to the scene. Embarrassing, but this experience was truly life changing for me. I felt an inner spirituality awaken inside of me. I became intrigued by the idea of god in a completely different way. This experience was too real. Yes I was on drugs but maybe there is a link between hallucinogenics and god, spirituality, and understanding our reality. Many native tribes around the world use natural hallucinogenics and after this experience I truly believe they hold the key to understanding what this reality really is. My ego had been stripped apart and my true self was shown to me during this experience and this is called Ego Death. I was lucky to survive, because I had consumed an synthetic compound created by humans and it was attacking my kidneys. Luckily I lived to see another day, but it gave me insight into what i truly believe in and I thank this experience, as scary as it was. Now people please don't do this drug, it is becoming to popular and it is very dangerous. I no longer consume drugs because I grew up out of that stage, but I know people will always be snorting or smoking something. So please if you do stick to the all naturals, nothing man-made. With that I bid you farewell.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is The Constitution Outdated?

The Constitution is a powerful document that has been the law of the land since the dawn of America. Designed to bring order to a strong and vibrant society giving much deserved rights to us common folk. But is it old? Outdated? Well this has been a tending topic and I've decided to do a little research. I found A website where people can voice their opinion and I'm going to post five of the most compelling arguments from each side so you can make your decision.
  • The power of judicial review was never formally granted to the Supreme Court, yet has become a cornerstone of political life, and a dominant branch in US government as a result.Leaving an unelected body of 9 to make decisions such as Texas v. Johnson 1989, where public opinion was never in their favour.
  • While the general principles of the Constitution are fine, the fact is, language changes over the years, and various words have gained and lost connotations over the long lifespan of the Constitution. To try to read it too strictly is, as such, a losing proposition, unless one also approaches it with a knowledge of late 18th century English. In modern times, the Constitution must be seen as something adaptable. Completely rewriting it is probably not necessary, but to try to adhere to its words too strictly is also not good.

  •  The US constitution needs a complete reboot; from updating the bill of rights, to adding more regarding states rights. Also, it needs to be redacted in a way that it could be updated every 40 or 50 years; it's unthinkable to pretend to govern a country with such an outdated document that does not represent our values anymore.
Not Outdated
  • The Constitution has the ability to change to fit current times. As policies the founding fathers couldn't have predicted, like abortion, arise, the Constitution can be amended to fit contemporary views. Certain fundamental rights, such as the right to bear arms, do need of course to be policed, but no, a set of laws that can evolve is by definition not outdated.
  •  The U.S. Constitution evolves, just like any other document that founds a government. The fundamental rights of Americans shouldn't change. The document can be amended through a specific process that has worked for more than 200 years. The constitution isn't too old because America, as a country, is still here. The words may have been written on paper, but the U.S. Constitution is a living, breathing document that we live by every single day.
  •   If anything does need to be updated, there is something called Amendments. Our constitution has worked for many years. It is a just and it supports our civil liberties. If the constitution is out of date, wouldn't we write another one? If we do write another one, who would write it? Mit Romney? Barack Obama? George Bush? Or some random billionaire? We don't have the great leaders like we used to.
In my opinion the constitution is outdated and should be revised to meet the needs of the generation in which it serves. By doing this new laws can be put into place, or laws that are no longer working for the country could be "erased".  So, is the constitution outdated?
Is The Constitution Outdated? free polls 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Why America Is Better Off Without Texas

A closed minded conservative state. Stuck in the 1800's with no intentions waking the eff up. I'm talking of course about the lone star state, Texas. In a recent poll by a popular business magazine, people were asked to name which state was the worst and which one was the best. Participants obviously chose Texas to be kicked out of the union. But we all know you can't just go kicking out a state even how backwards it is. In my opinion we should just give them back to Mexico, making Texas, Mexico's problem. Texas would act as a buffer for the rest of the country against illegal immigration from Mexico. Dramatically affecting the number of illegal immigrants entering the US. Since illegal immigration is such a HUGE problem ( I say this with the most sarcasm possible) for Texas, it would no longer have this problem because they will no longer be illegals, just neighbors. Nonetheless, this isn't a viable option for the US even though I would be more than happy to see Texas sent to the people they hate the most. What they don't seem to understand is that these "illegals" are humans too, people that just want a better life for their families. Texans will never understand this, because they simply refuse to understand it. Their Christian values only stretch so far, you know? So who can blame them? They always threaten the US with secession, my opinion is just to let them go on their own and see if they can survive. I would love to see them be hit with a massive hurricane caused by the extreme storms that global warming produces (which their lawmakers and politicians have openly denied is even real!). How would they survive without the help of government assistance, like FEMA? When they want to import goods from the US, I say we raise taxes on them and let them starve. Oh but this is only fantasy and will never happen. If only there was a way to forcibly take the majority in Texas and kick out the Conservative Republicans. An example of Texan bigotry; recently Texan educational system changed the social studies curriculum. Historians criticized it saying that it is historically inaccurate and that this reflection of their conservative injustice, will contaminate textbooks and classrooms beyond Texas. Remember those nice Republicans that said even "when a woman gets raped they're body has the ability to shutdown the bodies ability to get pregnant." They said this in regards to their new controversial bill that will shut down most abortion clinics in Texas. According to this new law abortions are only legal in surgical centers and bans all abortions after 20 weeks and severely limiting medication-induced abortions. I'm pro-choice. Just because you don't like or want abortions shouldn't mean that nobody else can get one. Just like everything else in this country their are different beliefs and religions that you have to respect even if you don't believe in them and that is just the bottom line people. Watch this posted video from the Daily Show, although funny it is very informative. Put some damn Democrats in there that will clean up the state for America's sake, or just get rid of Texas all together. I mean we could trade it to China for significant debt relief, or maybe just sell it to the highest bidder. Texas is a bastion for the disease that is American Conservatism. If we get rid of Texas we destroy the heart of the beast and we can finally give America it's first dose of liberal/ progressive medicine that it needs. Only logical way to end this post is with a quote from The Daily Show. "Remember the Alamo? Neither do I, F*CK Texas!"

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Legislation In The Fight To End Marijuana Prohibition

Marijuana prohibition started in the year 1937 due to an overzealous lumber company. He propagated an ugly lie to the gullible citizens of these here United States of America. Finally people are waking up! End this disgusting prohibition! It's not the the answer, it didn't work for alcohol and its definitely isn't not working for marijuana. Here is just some new legislation that has recently been introduced.

House Resolution 499 - This would end the federal prohibition on marijuana and give states the right to set their own laws and policies. The DEA will no longer have the authority to bust down doors and destroy homes and families because of a PLANT. Marijuana would in turn be REGULATED by the renamed Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Firearms.

House Bill 1523 - The Respect State Marijuana Laws Act is a bipartisan bill with three Republican and three Democrats. Good to see that even some conservative republicans can open their minds a little bit! Anyways, This bill amends the federal Controlled Substance Act so the feds can't prosecute people and businesses that comply with state marijuana laws. So all the stories you hear of the dispensaries being raided by the DEA will come to an end. No more fear of federal prosecution of law-abiding citizens.  

House Resolution 501 - Marijuana Tax Equality Act, is a bill that taxes marijuana similar to those of tobacco and alcohol. It would also require the IRS to make a study of the industry (that is surely to be booming!) for the first two years and then every five years after that so they can recommend to congress how they should be administering the tax. This bill protects consumers and producers from over taxation from angry from politicians who didn't want to see marijuana made legal.

House Bill 637 - This is a North Carolina decriminalization law that lowers penalties on on minor possession offenses. Possession under and ounce will be a fine only infraction. Those possessing an ounce to a ounce and a half will not be so lucky and face a Class 3 Misdemeanor. Right now those are felonies so hopefully these bills will passed and right now they remain unheard. As long as you haven't been convicted of a past misdemeanor or a felony those convicted of marijuana possession may apply to have their convictions expunged.

B20-0409 - This is a DC bill introduced by a team of legislators. The bill will dramatically lower penalties to only a $100 fine, no criminal record or arrest. Although I strongly believe there should also be no fine, these are strong first steps to a brighter future!

House Bill 1632 - Massachusetts is trying to follow in the steps of the pioneer states Colorado and Washington! This bill will allow the sale (to adults of course) and regulation of marijuana in Massachusetts.

I hope you enjoyed reading these new and exciting laws that may change the way Americans view marijuana. Actually I feel like Americans have wanted the legalization of marijuana its the law makers that need to open their eyes and look at marijuana in a different scope. If you want to take action, read about new legislation, sign up for email updates, or right your law makers I urge you, visit this site They have a pre-formatted letter you can send your politicians even specifying which bill you are writing to them about. There is a lot you can do and your voice will be heard! I'll keep you posted on future progress, stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Four Easy Steps To Take When Dealing With A Panic Attacks After Smoking Marijuana

Smoking weed for some people is sometimes frightening. A lot of people experience sever anxiety resulting in panic attacks. These are the worst panic attacks because when your high the attacks seems 100x worse. Social anxiety is a common side affect of this "illicit drug", which is why I no longer smoke marijuana.The social anxiety made it so I couldn't go out and public or even talk to the people I live with. This post is not about social anxiety so let me go back to my topic of panic attacks. Prevalent attacks have caused many people to kick the marijuana to the curb. Well that's where I come in to try to help with these nasty panic attacks when they decide to hit. The feeling comes so spontaneously that you try to deny it. At least I do. I always try to say "No I'm fine, I'm fine, this isn't happening." After maybe a thirty seconds or so (seems like thirty minutes!) I start to get tunnel vision. My first few panic attacks I just passed out at the point of tunnel vision. Yep, straight to the ground! One time this happened while my girl friends mother was in the room, she only made me freak out worse! So to keep this a little short, here are four easy steps to take when dealing with a panic attack after smoking weed.

First Step - Don't deny it! This always worsens the attack because one waits to long and when you stop denying it, it's just to late to help it.
Second Step - Lay down or sit down. This helps with the tunnel vision and helps keep you calm.
Third Step - Take deep breathes threw your nose and out your mouth. Breathing threw your nose helps bring in a controlled breathe. Exhaling out of your mouth expels a large amount of carbon dioxide. At this point focus on your breathing.
Fourth Step - Use an inhaler. If you don't have one, get one. I don't know about most states, but here in North Carolina you can buy them over the counter. They help open up the air passageways so you can absorb more oxygen.

Doing all of these easy steps at the onset of a panic attack will bring joy back to your smoking experience.
Be safe when consuming drugs, always know your limits and be smart! Feel free to comment on the box below with questions or comments. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Marijuana, A Growing Acceptance

I haven't written in a couple of days. Sort of a writers block but I was trying to do some research on marijuana. A touchy subject here in America, but with a growing liberal population this subject is becoming even more prevalent. Colorado and Washington have legalized it for recreational use, and twenty-one states and D.C have legalized it for medical purposes.

You can say the growth of its acceptance is slow, but steady here. The growth of the internet and people acceptance of it has helped the legalization movement. I say the internet because people can express the ideas and share them with other people. Music and Pop Culture has influenced the new millennium children in a way that has never been seen before. More and more teens and young adults listen to the music constantly bombarding them with drug references and drug use. This bombardment helps reinforce the growing acceptance of drug use, specifically marijuana, here in America. People today know that marijuana can't kill. That is has a multitude of medical uses. Even though congress placed into the Schedule 1 class with no medicinal value. Petitions have been filed to the wonderful cops over at the Drug Enforcement Administration, since 1972. This petition was to remove marijuana from the Schedule 1 class, but this bold move ultimately failed. Gotta love the DEA, so open-minded! One more topic that is equally as important as the legalization of this PLANT is the decriminalization of it. Too many people can't get jobs because they use marijuana and cruelly being sent to prison. Marijuana is a great medical herb, less addictive than alcohol and guess what no one dies from it! No overdoses! Innocent men and women being sent to prisons for possessing a plant. NO plant should be made illegal. That is mans ego suppressing the earth we live on and it is wrong. The only reason it was made illegal was because an owner of a lumber company saw the use of marijuana as a stronger fiber than wood. Everything made from hemp is a better product and a stronger product. Clothing, food and beverages, paper, plastics, building supplies, fuel, and chemical cleanup. All these are just some of the uses for hemp. The owner of the lumber company financed propaganda to make marijuana illegal and corner the fibers market. So go out and vote, sign petitions do research on how you can do be active in this movement.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Caring For a Bearded Dragon With Metabolic Bone Deficiency (MBD)

Just a disclaimer, I am not a animal doctor and cannot offer any medical advice. If your bearded dragons shows signs of MBD, visit your local vet immediately. So around October 2012 my bearded dragon, Slug, was showing signs of MBD. She acquired the disease from a light fixture that had plexiglass covering the UVA/UVB light. UVB rays have a difficult time of traveling through plexiglass. So if you have one of these fixtures, carefully break the plexiglass exposing the light bulb. After a couple months with this fixture, my beardie was showing signs of MBD. I didn't know about the plexiglass, UVB problem so the fixture was robbing my lizard of her precious light for months. She stopped eating, hid from the heat light, and was extremely lethargic. After about a week or so with these symptoms I did a little bit of research. I found that  she was showing strong signs of MBD and it finally clicked that the plexiglass was blocking the UVB rays. Brushing off my stupidity, I quickly broke the plexiglass. I didn't have money to take her to the vet, I just couldn't afford it at the time. They would just tell me to make sure she was getting UVB rays and to dust all her food with calcium, maybe even giving her a calcium gluconate shot. After a few months she started showing more energy and eating more, but she only ate when hand fed. I dusted all her food with calcium, and she was getting her rays from the UVB light. She would only drink water from a dropper, her motor skills were extremely damaged due to her condition. This sickness effects everything from their neurological functions to bone formation. She started showing signs of improvement, basking a lot more and a bigger appetite. I was constantly giving her calcium and vitamin supplements with her food, and giving her doses of REPTI-BOOST. This product is great for giving your reptile the electrolytes and energy it needs to get through a sickness. This disease though, is not something you can cure but help make the symptoms easier for her to live with. 

Now keep an open mind. This is a bit unconventional medicine that I gave to my dragon. I am in no way telling you to do something illegal or to go and buy and posses something illegal. I'm just telling you what worked for me and the effect this medicine has on my dragon. With that said, I used marijuana to help with the worst of my dragons condition. I used one ounce of low-grade cheap marijuana, meaning high in CBD, and low in THC. I ground up the ounce in a coffee blender and cooked it in 28 fl. ounces of vegetable oil. I cooked it at a low simmer for about 30 minutes. I let it cool down in my refrigerator over night and the next day I gave about 5 ml to my bearded dragon. Her condition improved almost instantly over the course of the day. I noticed her moving a lot more and her movements seemed less robotic and more natural. I tried this after seeing a special on television about marijuana and the effect CBD (a cannabinoid) on the epileptic brain and that it over time helps rebuild the brain. I truly believe this is a miracle for my dragon because now she eats out of her bowl by herself, moves around her tank with ease and can actually shoot her tongue out at her prey with precision. Where before she would shoot her tongue out to the side of her mouth like she couldn't control her aim. She is doing a lot better and is a lot more independent. Please respond with comments if you think this idea is interesting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Bearded Dragon With MBD, And The Adopted

I'm posting this about my three bearded dragons. So we have Slug, Lil Man, and Big man. I know clever names right? This post will be about my experiences with each in order to help other people with their bearded dragons.

Slug is the princess of the three and my girlfriend babies her 100% since she was a small little dragon. She was one of my first reptiles and she was once thought to be a he when she was younger. It's hard to tell the sexes apart when their younger even vets have a hard time doing this. I no this because when I was working for a animal hospital, in South Charlotte, NC  an exotic pets specialist told me once. So don't beat yourself up. Your best bet is to name them a unisex name and find out later. When Slug was around one year old, we purchased an overhead UVB/UVA lightbulb that was inside of a fixture.
Buying this light Fixture was the worst decision I've ever made as a reptile owner. I realize that UVB/UVA can't travel through glass and this fixture had glass on the bottom of it, covering the fluorescent light bulb. A couple months pass by and my slug bug (a name given to her after we found out her sex) becomes very lethargic, hides from the heat lamp, and doesn't eat. One day I try to hand feed her some mealworms and she can't seem to shoot her tongue out in the direction she wants it to. She can't move her arms to walk really well and when she does move, its really slowly and looks like a robot trying to move. I do a little bit of research and she was showing all the symptoms of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). I break the glass and unleash the UVB rays on my lizard. The fixture was robbing my beardie of her essential UVB rays. She developed MBD because of this product so if you ever get a UVB light with the glass or even plexiglass, do your dragon a favor and break the glass off, carefully.  A year later she is doing a lot better getting more of her mobility back and is able to grab worms. She still struggles with some motor functions but there is something out there that has helped her a lot that I will most likely right about in a future post. If your dragon acquires MBD please go see a vet, your dragons life may depend on it.  
Lil Man

 Lil Man was originally adopted by a veterinary technician I worked with from a client who had a litter and didn't want to keep all of them. After a couple months with the tech (my cousin), he ended up selling the litter but giving me Little Man. He was a very healthy baby lizard and loved eating everything from crickets to kale. Active all day and full of energy until the very end of the day. He's about a year old right now and is doing great, but recently he's been hiding from the basking spot under a log as you can see from the picture. I'm not to worried about this, because he is still eating fine, except for the crickets. He used to chase the hell out of some crickets, the second they drop into his tank, but now he barely even tries. I think he's just getting lazy as he grows up, I'm not sure but he still eats worms and salads so not worried about that. We tried naming him Striker, but Lil Man just seems to roll off the tongue. I'll keep you posted on this guy!
Big Man
 Big Man was adopted by me when I was working at the animal hospital. A client called the hospital asking if one of the technicians wanted to adopt a bearded dragon and I jumped to the chance of owning another one of these marvelous creatures. The previous owner never really handled him, so this makes him very nervous when you go to pick him up and handle him. People HANDLE YOUR DRAGONS! If you buy a baby bearded dragon it's important to handle them and tank them out of their tanks. Do this and they won't be scared and skittish when their older. With this said Big Man is a great beardie. He loves his crickets and super worms. I try to keep him strictly on salads of mix vegetables.
Bearded Dragons are great pets to have for all ages. by far the easiest lizards to keep and very hardy. They love their hot climates so keep their basking spots at a temp of 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Baby beardies need lots of protein, so lots of crickets and worms are a must. As an adult bearded dragon their diet should consist more of vegetable salads. I have my lizards on sand, but there is a debate over this. This hasn't given my lizards any trouble so see what works for yours. Hope you enjoyed this post and would love to hear about your beardes or any lizards at that!

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Liberals thoughts on the 2013 Government Shutdown

So with the intro to this blog out of the way I' ll go on to my first topic just a little bit of politics for you kids. So here in America the government shut down on October 1, 2013. The first in 17 years. Scary stuff. Yea, not really. On September 24th senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, gave a dramatic 21 hour rant/speech attacking Obamacare. This obviously was a huge failure (thankfully his references to Ashton Kutchers speeches didn't sway the Democrats) because the affordable care act is in effect. Fox News has been having a great time blaming the Democrats on shutting down the government, with no proof of this at all! They have no reason on shutting the government down and would gain nothing from doing this. All the Republicans have to say about why they think the Democrats shut down the governments is "just because they can." The hard headed right side will blindly believe bullshit mountain that is commonly known as Fox News, but this video of the Republican speaker of the house of representatives, John Boehner is a little convincing. George Stephanopoulos goes one-on-one with the speaker, and catches on his lies on pressing the blame on the Democrats. He constantly says he wants to sit down and have a "conversation", but the left has always been ready for a sit down and talk about the debt ceiling. The right side doesn't want Obamacare, they resent the fact that they lost the "fight". This government shutdown was brought on by the Republicans, because they think Obamacare will be too costly for the American people and it will cost the government too much money. So, shutting down the government is a way for the Republicans to save a little money for the budget and to punish the Democrats and using it as a bargaining chip. Their basically saying, do away with Obamacare or the government stays shutdown. What they don't understand is that the affordable care act is helping millions of people and due to the heavy traffic of people wanting to sign up for it, it actually popped up errors on the first couple days! Fox News had a field day with this. Now, with this said make your own decision on who has the best interest of the American people. A group of people that is willing to layoff tens of thousands, doesn't care about you. They have their own agenda that has the corporations heart. - Think about it! Stay informed I'll write more later on the shutdown!

A Blog's First Post is an Introduction.

I guess an introduction to this blog is in order. Although I don't know what specifically I'm going to be writing about, I feel like every blog deserves an intro as the first post. Probably a lot of different topics, maybe a couple reviews here and there. Ill try and keep up with whats happening around the world and politics so people can find some helpful information . Ill just say that I'm a liberal so, any conservative, enjoy what I have to say or even take a note or two!