In my great state of North Carolina where I live and breathe, corruption is in the air! Our Governor, Pat McCrory is under investigation by the US Attorney, N.C Department of Environmental and Natural Resources along with Duke Energy has been subpoenaed to testify in front of the Grand Jury. You might be saying something like "But you said something about corruption!". Yes indeed, Gov. McCrory worked for Duke Energy for 27 years and received over a million dollars in campaign contributions from the energy giant. Hold on though, I'm getting ahead of myself! The departments are being subpoenaed because of a huge coal ash spill, the third largest in America. Now both Duke Energy and the McCrory Administration are under an official criminal investigation of a suspected felony, the investigation is being conducted by an agency of the United States. With McCrory's ties to Duke Energy his name is bound to come up on those subpoena's, speaking to the integrity of our government officials. Duke Energy has dumped over 73 Olympic sized swimming pools of toxic sludge into my North Carolina water ways. My fellow North Carolinian's weren't even told about the spill until a day after the spill occurred. If that's not enough, they failed to accurately depict how severe the toxic spill actually was. So, with all that said, I hope the US Attorney gets all the information they need to bring Duke Energy to justice and to clean up the spill as quickly and efficiently as possible (maybe even set a precedent or two on toxic sludge containment). Also, the feds need to bring to light Gov. Pat McCrory's corruption and publicly shame him so other politicians can take note. To quote South Park "Give a Hoot Don't Pollute!"